Friday, May 17, 2013

Early Bird Registration

The Girl Scout Early Bird Registration has started and will run through June 30th. If your daughter registers before June 30th for the next Scouting Year, she will earn a special Early Bird Patch.

In order to make sure we have the registrations submitted on time, I am asking that you turn your registrations in to me by June 18th.

The Girl Registration Forms can be found here:

Registration Fees for the year are $15 per person.

Please fill out the forms and turn them in to me. Make the check for the registration fees to Girl Scout Troop 21870.

If you have any questions about the Early Bird Resgitration, please do not hesitate to contact me.

* Don't forget if your Brownie sold more than 200 boxes of cookies, she is eligible for a membership voucher. You should have received an email recently about that. Just let me know if you have authorized for her to be registered for next year.

Returning Brownies:

Monday, May 13, 2013

Just a friendly reminder...our next meeting is this Friday.

May 17 , 2013

Art Room

3:15pm - 5:00pm

Ava is scheduled to be our snack buddy!

Things for your Brownie to remember to bring to the meeting:

1. Meeting Dues ($1)

2. Terracycle Donations

3. Any outstanding homework due from past meetings. (This will be the last meeting where I will accept any outstanding homework)

If you have any questions about Friday's meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Look at the Rest of the Year...

Our first Brownie year is quickly coming to a close, so I wanted to share what the rest of our year looks like...

May 3 ~ Brownie Meeting with Junior Troop 23

May 17 ~ Brownie Meeting with Junior Troop 21809

May 31 ~ Last Meeting (we will work on our scrapbooks and discuss our first year)

June 8 ~ HersheyPark Camporee

July 13 ~ Tentative Get Together

August 17 ~ Tentative Get Together

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Meeting Reminder

Just a friendly reminder...our next meeting is this Friday.

May 3 , 2013

Art Room

3:15pm - 5:00pm

Katerina is scheduled to be our snack buddy!

Things for your Brownie to remember to bring to the meeting:

1. Meeting Dues ($1)

2. Terracycle Donations

3. Any outstanding homework due from past meetings.

If you have any questions about Friday's meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Meeting Eight ~ 4/19/13

At this meeting, Brownies started off by sharing their School Supplies homework assignment with the troop. The girls shared where they did their pretend shopping and whether they were able to stay within their budget.

After sharing the current homework with the troop, I gave everyone to share any outstanding homework assignments with the troop, so they could catch up.

Once we completed with our homework catch up, I assigned the next homework assignment.

Go online and research a country you want to visit. You will need to tell us about their currency, language, and food. Plus, tell us a little bit about the cities/attractions you want to visit there.

The girls will be sharing this information with us at our Court of Awards Ceremony this Friday.

I then gave the Brownies a map of the US, so they could check off the states we received postcards from through our troop postcard exchange. After reading all of our postcards, they were divided between the girls and they were given an opportunity to place them in their scrapbooks.

I also informed the troop, that we will be trying to schedule two get togethers during their Summer. They voted on having a spa day and going to the movies.
Next gathering: Friday (4/26) ~ Court of Awards Ceremony/Dinner

Monday, April 15, 2013

Meeting Reminder

Just a friendly reminder...our next meeting is this Friday.

April 19 , 2013

Art Room

3:15pm - 5:00pm

Paree is scheduled to be our snack buddy!

Things for your Brownie to remember to bring to the meeting:

1. Meeting Dues ($1)

2. Terracycle Donations

3. Scrapbook

4. Homework (School Supplies)

5. Any outstanding homework due from past meetings.

6. Any outstanding monies owed to the troop.

If you have any questions about Friday's meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Snack Buddies Needed

We need some Snack Buddies...if your Brownie has not signed up to be a Snack Buddy yet, please send me an email with the date they would like to provide snack for thr troop.

April 19 ~ Paree

April 26 ~ Court of Awards

May 3 ~ Katerina

May 17 ~ Ava

May 31 ~ End of Year Celebration

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.