Parent Welcome

Brownie Troop 21870

Welcome to the 2012-2013 Scouting Year!


Aymee Comas-Diaz, Troop Leader

Nicole Rzepski, Assistant Troop Leader

Troop Number 21870 ~ Basic Information

Meetings: every other Friday from 3:15 to 4:45 pm at Bridge Valley Elementary (subject to change). Please check calendar for exact dates.
Special events will be held in other locations around our area – we’ll let you know where in advance.

Check the handouts area every week for information and permission slips.

Drop off payments, permission slips, and other items in the inbox

Cash must be placed in a sealed envelope; checks should be made payable to GSEP Troop 21870.

Drop Terracycle donations in the designated bag

Encourage your daughter to get involved in the early bird activities – usually a scrapbooking craft

If your Brownie will be missing a meeting, please let us know as soon as possible.

Your Brownie needs to bring the following to each meeting: a reusable bag to carry her Journey book and any paperwork and completed projects, her Brownie Journey book, and a pencil.

Parents who are not registered adult girl scouts are not permitted to remain at our regular meetings. This is a matter of accountability and safety. There will be events to which all parents will be invited, including investiture on November 2nd. We want to be welcoming, but we need to be safe. If you have any concerns or questions on this issue, please see Ms. Aymee or Ms. Nicole.

This site is updated frequently. Weekly information is included to help ensure that parents and Brownies arrive at the meetings prepared for our activities!

Council News (

Council provides low-cost training on Girl Scout topics (e.g., camping, first aid, etc.). If you are interested in the training or adult registration, please let us know.

The scout shops have requested that parents do not come to the shop to purchase their own badges or other earned recognitions. Formal documentation must be completed to obtain these patches. However, you are encouraged to go to the shop to purchase other items like clothing, scout gear, and books. Broken pins can be exchanged too.

Communication regarding infectious disease and pest exposures is mandatory. There are concerns over liability within the Girl Scout organization. If you are exposed to lice or other infectious conditions, please let Ms. Aymee or Ms. Nicole know immediately.

Brownie Programs

Journey – We will be working on our first Journey (Brownie Quest) this year. We plan to provide each Brownie with a Brownie Journey book at no cost to our families.

Other Patches – We will also be working on other patches/badges as a group during troop meetings and outings. The idea is to expose the girls to a variety of activities. We have planned some of the troop activities to meet the patch requirements. However, girls can work on other patches at home too. Once you complete requirements for a given patch, fill out the At-Home Completion form, and turn it in to Ms. Aymee.  Please note: parents are responsible for the cost of patches earned at home.

Court of Awards – Earned and fun patches will be given out approximately every other month. This will hopefully help our girls keep track of the patches they have earned.

Adult Volunteer Positions

Thank you to all of the wonderful parents who helped us last year and to those that have volunteered to help us with the troop this year! We truly couldn’t do it without you.

We are looking to fill several adult volunteer positions, including:

Transportation Coordinator – coordinates transportation to/from field trips

Photographer– takes pictures at events for our scrapbook

Community Service Coordinator – organizes service projects for the girls

Dine/Shop Around Coordinator – can we raise some money by going to dinner?

Please let us know as soon as possible if you are interested in one of these positions. We would be happy to discuss the possibilities and requirements with you.


We, as a troop, will be participating in several fundraisers throughout the year, most notably the Girl Scout Cookie Sale. The girls can earn numerous incentives and participate in goal-setting activities associated with these fundraisers.

Last year, the funds were used for their Build a Bear visit, their Movie Night, and their Ice Cream Social this year.

This year, we will be doing the cookie sale (mid-January through early March), a dine or shop around night (if we get a volunteer to chair the program), and the Nuts About Reading magazine and nuts/candy sale (mid-September through October). Nuts about Reading packets are being handed out at the first meeting.


We will be taking pictures of the girls and adult volunteers throughout the year, both as a troop and individually for the end-of-year scrapbooks. On the Girl Scout application, you were asked for a photo release. If you wish to opt out of photographs, we will make every effort to accommodate that request, but your daughter’s scrapbook may be limited unless you provide additional pictures. We will distribute a list of people who prefer to opt out of the photos. We ask that, if other parents take pictures at our events please respect this request and do not post pictures of those who have opted out.

Recycling (TerraCycle)

We will continue to collect:

 Juice pouches (Please remember to remove the straws before bringing them in for collection.)

Cheese wrappers

This year we will also be collecting:

Personal care and beauty items (lipstick cases, mascara tubes, eye shadow cases, shampoo bottles, conditioner bottles, bronzer cases, foundation packaging, body wash containers, soap tubes, soap dispensers, lotion dispensers, shaving foam tubes (no cans), powder cases, lotion bottles, chap stick tubes, lotion tubes, face soap dispensers, face soap tubes, face lotion bottles, face lotion jars, eyeliner cases, eyeliner pencils, eyeshadow tubes, concealer tubes, concealer sticks, lip liner pencils, hand lotion tubes, hair gel tubes, hair paste jars)

Oral care items (any brand used toothpaste tubes, toothbrushes and plastic toothbrush packaging, excluding cardboard)


Registration forms and fees ($12) are due now if you haven’t turned those in yet.

Parent consent and health history forms are due now. (forms can be found on our blog)

Troop dues will be an initial $20 (paid at the social or at first meeting) and then $1 per meeting. The $1 per meeting dues should be paid at each meeting by your Brownie. This will give our Brownies the opportunity to take responsibility for bringing those dues to each meeting.

Permission Slips

If the troop plans to meet outside of the scheduled time or place, permission slips will be required. They are available at our website and I will have some available at the meetings. Permission slips list all information pertaining to the event and must be returned, along with any program fees, by the date listed on the form. If you do not return the slip, your Brownie will not be allowed to attend. Due to safety requirements, the ratio of adults to girls at meetings is 20/2 and for outings it is 12/2.

Wish List

We would love it if you could donate some of the following items:


Antibacterial Wipes or Gel

Scrapbooking Materials (stickers, pretty scrapbooking paper, glue dots, photo corners, etc)

We are looking forward to a memorable, enriching year with you and your daughters! As always, thank you for your support. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

– Ms. Aymee,

Troop Leader

Brownie Troop 21870

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