Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Meeting One ~ 9/21/12

Our first meeting was a success. All of the girls were in attendance and we even had a new girl to welcome!

We started the meeting by discussing our unique qualities and talents! It was great for the girls to see that everyone brings something to the group.

Then we discussed what the girls wanted to do as Brownies this year.

Cianna ~ Go camping, Visit a pottery studio, See a Christmas Show
Sophia~ Have a pajama party (popcorn/movie), Visit Hershey Park, Sing Christmas Carols at a retirement home
Jayden ~ Visit a pottery studio, Visit an art studio, Bake pretzels
Katerina ~ Go camping, Attend the Sweetheart dance, Participate in a parade, Have a tea party, Have a spa party
Ava ~ Sell cookies, Sing Christmas Carols at a retirement home, Go camping, Visit the zoo
Paree ~ Go ice skating, Have a Brownie party with other troops, Go to Sweet and Sassy
Allison ~ Have a sleepover party, Go camping
Maura ~ Sing Christmas Carols at a retirement home, Sell cookies, Have a sleepover party
Claire ~ Sell cookies, Sell magazines, Go camping

They were hoping we could do everything on their lists. I let them know, I would certainly try to do as many of them as possible.

The girls also voted what they wanted to do with the money they earned from the Fall Sale. They have decided to save and combine their earnings with their Cookie Sale earnings in the hopes of being able to do something bigger with the money.

We talked about some of the new things we would be doing this year.

1. Ms. Nicole would be working with them on creating scrapbooks about all of the great things we will be doing this year.

2. The girls will be assigned kapers to do at each meeting. (Activity Assistants, Attendance Keeper, Attendace Aide, Dues Collector, Hostess, Closing Leader, Clean Up Captains)

3. The girls received an October calendar, so they can start keeping track of the events we will be attending.

4. The girls will be earning Brownie Bucks this year which they can then use to shop for items at our "troop store". They earn bucks by attending meetings, wearing their uniforms, paying their meeting dues, bringing snack, participating in field trips, fundraising efforts, etc, bringing donations (terracycle, wish list, first aid), and earning a badge at home. Plus, they were reminded that Brownie Bucks would be taken away if they needed to be spoken to three times about their behavior.

It was a very busy meeting and we got alot accomplished in a short amount of time. It looks like the girls are just as excited about this upcoming year as I am.

Next meeting: October 6th ~ Corn Maze and Pumpkin Picking Field Trip

Troop Reminders

Fall Nut and Magazine Sale
September 17 - October 22
Permission slips to participate in the sale need to be turned in immediately.
Please make sure the girls are participating in the sales. It is important for them to take ownership of our fundraising efforts.

Corn Maze and Pumpkin Picking Field Trip
October 6
Cost: Covered by troop
Deadline for RSVPs was at the first meeting. Please turn in the persmission slip for this field trip if you have not already done so. Your Brownie will not be able to attend the field trip without the proper permission slip.

Coordination for this field trip will also be needed. Please let me know if you will be attending the field trip as well and if you will be willing to be a driver.

Self Defense Workshop
November 2
Cost: Covered by troop
RSVP Deadline October 19th
Don't forget field trip form needs to be turned in.

Investiture/Rededication Lunch
November 3
Cost: $16 Adults/$8 Children
RSVP and Payment Deadline October 19th

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

First Meeting Reminder

Friday, September 21, 2012
3:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Room: Will send out an email with room location/dismissal procedure
Just a friendly reminder that our first meeting will be this Friday, September 21st.
Katerina is scheduled to be our snack buddy!


Things for your Brownie to remember to bring to the meeting:

1. Homework Assignment ~ 3 things (more would be great) that they would like for the troop to do this year

2. Scrapbook

3. Any Terracycle donations you have collected over the summer

4. First Aid Kit donations

5. Field Trip Permission Forms

6. Registration Forms (if you have not submitted it already)

7. $20 yearly troop dues (if you have not paid it already)

8. $1 meeting dues (due at every meeting)

9. Signed Fall Sale Permission Form (if you have not submitted it already)

If you have any questions about this meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Monday, September 17, 2012

BVE Annual Scarecrow Contest

Bridge Valley Fall Fest is coming up Saturday, October 13th and they will be having a Scarecrow Contest.

Scarecrows come in all shapes and sizes so there, so we can keep it simple or go all out. The scarecrows will be the star decorations at this years event!

The scarecrows need to be stuffed with batting, straw or newspaper (no hay).

Scarecrows need to be dropped off on Friday, October 12th anytime between 8:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. and they will be set up in the hallway leading down to the cafeteria.
Prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place!

Katerina and I will be putting together a Brownie Girl Scout scarecrow. Please let me know if you would like to create one with your Brownie, so we can put together a troop of Brownies!

Please let me know if you have any questions about this project!


Juliette Low Birthday Celebration

We have been invited to celebrate Juliette Low's Birthday with Troop 21809.
Pajama Party
October 25, 2012
Location: 3073 Lower Mountain Road, Furlong
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Please let me know if your Brownie will be attending this event.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Self Defense Workshop

Self Defense Workshop
Action Karate Jamison
Friday, November 2, 2012
6:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.

Self Defense is more than just the act of defending oneself. It involves discipline, staying safe and self-confidence. The Self Defense Try-It is designed to give girls a sample of all the exciting elements involved with this art form. Enjoy and have fun learning a new skill.

You Brownie will need to dress in comfortable clothes suitable for stretching and movement during self-defense lesson.

Please let me know if you have any questions about this activity.

Please RSVP before Friday, October 19th.

Katerina (permission rec'd)
Cianna (permission rec'd)
Sophia (permission rec'd)
Ava (permission rec'd)
Claire (permission rec'd)
Paree (permission rec'd)
Jayden (permission rec'd)
Allison (permission rec'd)

Investiture/Rededication Ceremony

Date: Saturday, November 3, 2012
Time: 1:00 p.m.
Location: Giuseppe's Pizza and Family Restaurant
1380 W. Street Road, Warminster, PA 18974
Price: $16 for each adult
        $8 for each child
Lunch includes: appetizer, salad, pasta, pizza, and sodas.
Please confirm the number of people in attendance. Make checks payable to Troop 21870.
R.S.V.P. and Payment Deadline: October 19, 2012

Katerina (4 adults/2 children)
Ava/Claire (2 adults/2 children)
Paree (2 adults/1 child)
Cianna/Sophia (2 adults/2 children)
Allison (2 adults/1 child)
Maura (1 adult/1 child)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Cookie Sale Dates

Cookie Sale dates have been announced!
Our Cookie Sale will run from January 17, 2013 - March 3, 2013 

2012-2013 Cookie Program: What's New This Year?
  • Our cookies will now be $4.00 a package.
  • All of our cookies will have a new packaging!
  • Lemonades will now have new greener packaging! Lemonades will now be offered in the same packaging as the Thanks A Lot cookies with just the tray and film overwrap. They will no longer be offered in the carton packaging. 
  • We will be having a new cookie ~ Mango Creme!
If you have any questions about the cookie sale, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Parent Meeting

We will be having a Parent Meeting before the first Brownie Troop meeting of the year. At this meeting, we will review what's new for the troop this year, get all our initial paperwork done, as well as, give you an opportunity to ask any questions that you may have.

Friday, September 7th
6:45 p.m.
Outback Steakhouse (Jamison)

Please make sure to bring the following to the meeting:

Girl Registration Form (if you have not submitted this form already)
Adult Registration Form (if you will be assisting with the troop in any way)
Parent Consent and Health History Form
$20 Initial Troop Dues

If you have any questions about the parent meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please confirm whether you will be atteding this meeting.