Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Meeting One ~ 9/21/12

Our first meeting was a success. All of the girls were in attendance and we even had a new girl to welcome!

We started the meeting by discussing our unique qualities and talents! It was great for the girls to see that everyone brings something to the group.

Then we discussed what the girls wanted to do as Brownies this year.

Cianna ~ Go camping, Visit a pottery studio, See a Christmas Show
Sophia~ Have a pajama party (popcorn/movie), Visit Hershey Park, Sing Christmas Carols at a retirement home
Jayden ~ Visit a pottery studio, Visit an art studio, Bake pretzels
Katerina ~ Go camping, Attend the Sweetheart dance, Participate in a parade, Have a tea party, Have a spa party
Ava ~ Sell cookies, Sing Christmas Carols at a retirement home, Go camping, Visit the zoo
Paree ~ Go ice skating, Have a Brownie party with other troops, Go to Sweet and Sassy
Allison ~ Have a sleepover party, Go camping
Maura ~ Sing Christmas Carols at a retirement home, Sell cookies, Have a sleepover party
Claire ~ Sell cookies, Sell magazines, Go camping

They were hoping we could do everything on their lists. I let them know, I would certainly try to do as many of them as possible.

The girls also voted what they wanted to do with the money they earned from the Fall Sale. They have decided to save and combine their earnings with their Cookie Sale earnings in the hopes of being able to do something bigger with the money.

We talked about some of the new things we would be doing this year.

1. Ms. Nicole would be working with them on creating scrapbooks about all of the great things we will be doing this year.

2. The girls will be assigned kapers to do at each meeting. (Activity Assistants, Attendance Keeper, Attendace Aide, Dues Collector, Hostess, Closing Leader, Clean Up Captains)

3. The girls received an October calendar, so they can start keeping track of the events we will be attending.

4. The girls will be earning Brownie Bucks this year which they can then use to shop for items at our "troop store". They earn bucks by attending meetings, wearing their uniforms, paying their meeting dues, bringing snack, participating in field trips, fundraising efforts, etc, bringing donations (terracycle, wish list, first aid), and earning a badge at home. Plus, they were reminded that Brownie Bucks would be taken away if they needed to be spoken to three times about their behavior.

It was a very busy meeting and we got alot accomplished in a short amount of time. It looks like the girls are just as excited about this upcoming year as I am.

Next meeting: October 6th ~ Corn Maze and Pumpkin Picking Field Trip

1 comment:

  1. Hello...

    I am also a Brownie Troop Leader and came across your blog. I was thinking about incorporating 'Bucks' into our troop meetings as well... they earn similar bucks for their school store. Can you provide ideas of the things that you have available in your troop store? Also, how did you come up with the value of each thing they may do?

    Thank you!!!
