Friday, October 19, 2012

Homework Assignments

After today's meeting (10/19), your Brownie will have three homework assignments to complete before our next meeting on November 30th.

1. Healthy Living Family Activity ~

Your Brownie is practicing her leadership skills. An important one is showing that she cares about her family! Sometime before our next meeting (November 30th), she will be leading you in a healthy-living activity.

A few healthy-living activities are listed below, but feel free to let the conversation with your Brownie guide you to a new activity! What matters is giving your Brownie a chance to take the lead and show how much she cares about her family. Once she has, help her fill our the activity sheet on page 58 of her Journey book .

Possible Healthy-Living Actions

Find the healthy ideas and recipes in the Brownie Quest book. With your Brownie, pick one for your family.

Try a new healthy drink (for example, water or low-fat milk)

Be active together - walk, bike, ride or play catch or tag or another active game.

If your family already does many of these things, see how creative you can be with coming up with something new.

We look forward to hearing how your Brownie led your family!

Please have your Brownie bring her Journey Book with completed activity (page 58) to the November 30th meeting.

2. Lip Sync Song

Lip Sync's theme for this year is the tv show Glee. Please look for some Glee songs with your Brownie and send us a suggestion of a song she would like to do for the show. Please send us your song choice before our November 30th meeting, so that we may vote at that meeting.

3. First Aid Badge - Step 5

Know how to prevent and treat outdoor injuries.

Read all about it. - Go online with your Brownie and make a list of local plants, animals, and insects to avoid and how to protect yourself from sunburn. Get information about treating a bug bite, bee sting, sunburn, or poison oak or ivy rash, then discuss what you find with friends and family. Please send me an email when your Brownie has completed this assignment. If possible, have her complete it prior to the November 3rd Investiture Ceremony.

If you have any questions about the homework assignments, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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