Friday, March 15, 2013

Meeting Seven ~ 3/8/13

At this meeting, we focused on completing requirements for the Money Manager badge.

We completed Step One by going shopping with grocery store advertisements and putting together a dinner menu for a family with a budget of $25.

Then we completed Step Two by going clothes shopping by putting together 2 outfits under $25 each.

For Step Three, we played a fun shopping game to see who would run out fun money first.

Step Five, was a discussion of our trip to Hershey Park and how much money we would need to go on the trip. We discussed our inittial cookie goal which was to sell 1050 boxes of cookies. We asked each girl to sell at least 105 boxes of cookies.

We talked about what would happen if the goal was not met by each girl. Then we talked about how if some girls sold more than the 105, it would still help us reach our goal. Then, I asked them if they thought we had met our goal. The majority said no, which made them sad.

In the end, we did meet our goal, and were able to sell 1740 boxes of cookies! The girls were very excited about the news!  It is very important for us to register for the Hershey Park Camporee as soon as possible. So, if you will or will not be attending, please let me know before the end of this week.

We also worked on our scrapbooks and continued to rehearse for Lip Sync.

Homework assignment: They still need to complete Step Four of the Money Manager badge. I will have a separate post for this assignment.

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