Monday, November 26, 2012

Meeting Reminder

Just a friendly reminder...our next meeting is this Friday.

November 30, 2012

Art Room

3:15pm - 5:00pm

Paree is scheduled to be our snack buddy!

Things for your Brownie to remember to bring to the meeting:

1. Meeting Dues ($1)

2. Signed Permission Slips - deadline to submit them for the following events is this Friday (11/30).
Peddler's Village Parade
Christmas Caroling

3. Healthy Living Homework

4. Terracycle Donations

5. Stamp Donations

Don't forget about our Warm Sock Drive. Or goal is to collect 100 pairs of socks!

We will also be voting on the song we will be performing for Lip Sync. So, if your Brownie has a song she would like to nominate, please bring the song to the meeting, so the girls can hear it and vote on them.

If you have any questions about Friday's meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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