Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Our Family Our Troop

Brownie Troop 21870
is celebrating their families...

Please join us for
Multicultural Potluck Celebration

January 25, 2013
Bridge Valley Elementary Cafeteria
6:30 p.m.

Please bring a dish reflective of your heritage to share with us!

Please RSVP through our SignUp Genius invitation.


Family Homework

At the December 14 meeting, your Brownies got some homework.

1. Make a Story Tree - Knowing who your family members are is only half the fun! Find a special detail about each person to write on your family tree. ~ you can draw or paint your tree or get an adult's help to do it on the computer.

Special Family Details :
~ the person's nickname
~ the person's favorite color
~ the person's favorite thing to eat
~ the person's pet
~ a funny story about the person
~ the person's favorite joke
~ the person's family

Sample Family:
~ Brownie Elf: loves making new friends
~ Grandma Elf: once met a unicorn
~ Grandpa Elf: always loses his glasses
~ Aunt Bonnie: favorite color orange
~ Uncle Fergis: once swallowed a fly
~ Cousin Cloudberry: loves to paint

Bring the Story Tree to the Family Celebration on January 25th.

2. Find an object that means something to your family.
Ask about an old photo. Learn what was happening when the photograph was taken. Share the photo and the story with a family member who doesn't know about what was happening.

This is a family activity, I just need to know your Brownie completed it!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Take Action

One of the Action Plans that the Brownies voted on was to work with residents of Pine Run Retirement Community. The completion of this Action Plan will assist the troop in completing the final steps needed to earn the 3rd and final keys of the Brownie Quest.

We are currently looking at making three visits to the community, one of which was our visit last week.

1. Christmas Caroling (12/7/12) ~ Done (all Brownies attended)

2. Valentine's Day Celebration (2/8/13)

3. Spring Celebration (3/22/13)

All visits will take place on a Friday after school.

Transportation for these field trips will need to be coordinated. So, please make sure to RSVP early. When you RSVP, please make sure that you let me know if your Brownie will need a ride or whether you will be able to provide transportation to other Brownies.

Please note: the deadline to RSVP and return the permission slips will be two weeks before the field trip. Due to Council policy, we will no longer be able to let Brownies participate who have not turned in their slips, so please make sure to turn it in on time.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Attending (2/8/13):
Attenting (3/22/13):

Meeting Reminder

Just a friendly reminder...our next meeting is this Friday.

December 14 , 2012

Art Room

3:15pm - 5:00pm

Cianna is scheduled to be our snack buddy!

Things for your Brownie to remember to bring to the meeting:

1. Meeting Dues ($1)

2. Permission Slips
    * Service Unit Cookie Rally ($7 if they want the t-shirt)
    * Service Unit MLK Day of Service Event

3. Feeling Faces Homework

4. Terracycle Donations

5. Stamp Donations (the girls will be working on the postcards at this meeting, so please let me know if you can donated any stamps.)

6. We will be counting the socks from our Sock Collection Drive. Our goal is to collect 100 pairs of socks! So, if you have any more socks to donate, please bring them to the meeting.

7. Cookies for the Cookie Exchange

8. Gift and Computer Made Card for the gift exchange.

9. Scrapbook

If you have any questions about Friday's meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Scrapbook Update

We will be working on our scrapbooks at this Friday's Meeting. So, please make sure your Brownie brings it with her.

She can start working on pages at home as well. I would suggest doing the first page as her "Me" page with it being all about her.

As an example, Katerina will also have a family page, as well as, a page about being a Daisy.

If your Brownie attended the Social at Menchies in August, she should have brought home some pictures that I took at that event. So, she can also work on a page for that.

If you have any questions about the scrapbook, don't hesitate to ask.

Team Agreement

This is the Team Agreement the Brownies created as a Troop.
  1. Look at people when they are talking.
  2. Be healthy
  3. Cooperate
  4. Respect each other
  5. Stay together
  6. Help each other
  7. Talk kindly to one another
  8. Follow the agreement

The troop created this team agreement and agreed to follow these rules. Please have them add these to their Brownie Quest book (page 53) .

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas Caroling Reminder


December 7th

4:00 p.m.

Pine Run Retirement Community

777 Ferry Road, Doylestown

Please note:
If your Brownie is getting a ride from a Brownie Mom tomorrow
don't forget to let their teacher know that they will be a car rider.
You will need to pick up your Brownie at Pine Run at 5:15 p.m.

If you have not turned in their permission slip, please make sure they bring it with them tomorrow!

Katerina (form rec'd)
Jayden (form rec'd)
Ava (form rec'd)
Claire (form rec'd)
Cianna (form rec'd)
Paree (form rec'd)
Maura (form rec'd)
Sophia (form rec'd)
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Cookie Exchange and Gift Exchange

We will be having a Cookie Exchange and a Gift Exchange at our next meeting (Dec. 14).

Gift Exchange ~ Your Brownie selected a name at the last meeting. She is to purchase a gift for that Brownie.

Gift Exchange Theme ~ The Brownies voted on a theme for the exchange. The gift must be a craft kit of some sort...for example, a jewelry making kit, card making kit, rock painting kit, suncatcher painting kit, jewelry box decorating kit, etc. Or you can put together a kit of your own, i.e. markers, stickers, glitter glue, paper, etc. In the end, the Brownie should be able to make something with what she is given.

Christmas Card ~ With the gift exchange, your Brownie is to give her Secret Brownie a Christmas/Holiday card made on the computer.

Cookie Exchange ~ Each Brownie should bring a different kind of homemade cookie to exchange.

Allison ~ M & M Cookies
Ava ~ Snickerdoodle Cookies
Cianna ~ Chocolate Chip Coconut Cookies
Claire ~ Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
Jayden ~ Sugar Cookies
Katerina ~ Chocolate White Chocolate Chip Cookies
Maura ~
Paree ~ Shortbread Cookies
Sophia ~ Cream Cheese Cookies
If you have any questions about the Holiday Meeting (Cookie Exchange or Gift Exchange), please do not hesitate to ask.

Meeting Three ~ 11/30/12

Our third meeting of the year focused on completing the steps for the second key in our Quest.

The girls reviewed their Healthy Living Homework. ~ If your Brownie did not complete her homework, please have her complete it before the next meeting. She will not earn her second key if the homework has not been done.

We completed Our Brownie Troop Team Agreement, which they worked on as a team. I will add the Team Agreement to the site as a separate post. ~ Please have your Brownie write the Team Agreement in their Quest Book.

We read the Broken Sidewalk Story from the Brownie Quest book. We talked about how we could make a difference and talked about how we can make a difference as a troop. We talked about the following people/things that need our help:

1. Pine Run Retirement Community ~ The are very excited to have us come Christmas Caroling on Friday. They would love it if our Brownies could visit with their residents monthly.

2. Kids Castle ~ Kids Castle is in need of repair and they are looking at the community for help. They have a Kids Coordinator for their efforts who I will contact to see how we can help.

3. Troop affected by Hurricane Sandy ~ Many troops were affected by Hurricane Sandy since their troop members lost everything (uniforms, patches, etc) and they are looking for other troops to help. We are on a waiting list to get a troop assigned to us.

Some Brownies made suggestions for which song we should perform at Lip Sync. We will be voting on our song at the next meeting.

We talked about the Warm Sock Drive, Our Cookie Exchange, and upoming Gift Exchange.

Homework: Feeling Faces ~ Each day for one week, draw your "feeling faces". Do this in the morning, afternoon, and before you go to bed. Which time of day is your happiest? Why? Talk with your family about how to make more happy times. You will share your pictures with the troop and talk about why you drew that face.

Our next meeting date is December 14, 2012.

Troop Reminders

Healthy Living Homework Assignment ~ Was due at the last meeting. If your Brownie has not completed this assisgnment, please have her do so before the next meeting.

First Aid Badge ~ A couple of the Brownies have not completed the requirements for the First Aid Badge. If your Brownie has not completed the requirements, it is not too late. She can still earn the badge at the next Court of Awards Ceremony, so please have her complete the requirements.

Warm Sock Drive ~ Please remember that our Warm Sock Drive wil end this Friday (12/7). Our goal was to collect 100 pairs of brand new warm socks. From the look of our hamper, we are still far from our goal. So, please don't forget to donate!

Postcard Exchange ~ We still need postcard stamps to be donated for our postcard exchange. We still need about 40 more stamps. We will be working on these at our December 14th meeting, so if you will be donating any stamps, please let me know as soon as possible.

Cookie Booth Reminder ~ Please remember I need to know how many cookie booths your Brownie would like to work. I am trying to figure out how many we should plan for and I need to place our initial cookie order this week. (Please note: I can't guarantee a number of booths yet...)

MLK Day of Service Volunteer Event ~ Please don't forget to RSVP for the MLK Day of Service Event. R.S.V.P. deadline Dec. 14

Service Unit Cookie Rally ~ Please don't forget to R.S.V.P. for the Service Unit Cookie Rally. R.S.V.P. deadline Dec. 14