Monday, December 3, 2012

Troop Reminders

Healthy Living Homework Assignment ~ Was due at the last meeting. If your Brownie has not completed this assisgnment, please have her do so before the next meeting.

First Aid Badge ~ A couple of the Brownies have not completed the requirements for the First Aid Badge. If your Brownie has not completed the requirements, it is not too late. She can still earn the badge at the next Court of Awards Ceremony, so please have her complete the requirements.

Warm Sock Drive ~ Please remember that our Warm Sock Drive wil end this Friday (12/7). Our goal was to collect 100 pairs of brand new warm socks. From the look of our hamper, we are still far from our goal. So, please don't forget to donate!

Postcard Exchange ~ We still need postcard stamps to be donated for our postcard exchange. We still need about 40 more stamps. We will be working on these at our December 14th meeting, so if you will be donating any stamps, please let me know as soon as possible.

Cookie Booth Reminder ~ Please remember I need to know how many cookie booths your Brownie would like to work. I am trying to figure out how many we should plan for and I need to place our initial cookie order this week. (Please note: I can't guarantee a number of booths yet...)

MLK Day of Service Volunteer Event ~ Please don't forget to RSVP for the MLK Day of Service Event. R.S.V.P. deadline Dec. 14

Service Unit Cookie Rally ~ Please don't forget to R.S.V.P. for the Service Unit Cookie Rally. R.S.V.P. deadline Dec. 14

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