Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Family Homework

At the December 14 meeting, your Brownies got some homework.

1. Make a Story Tree - Knowing who your family members are is only half the fun! Find a special detail about each person to write on your family tree. ~ you can draw or paint your tree or get an adult's help to do it on the computer.

Special Family Details :
~ the person's nickname
~ the person's favorite color
~ the person's favorite thing to eat
~ the person's pet
~ a funny story about the person
~ the person's favorite joke
~ the person's family

Sample Family:
~ Brownie Elf: loves making new friends
~ Grandma Elf: once met a unicorn
~ Grandpa Elf: always loses his glasses
~ Aunt Bonnie: favorite color orange
~ Uncle Fergis: once swallowed a fly
~ Cousin Cloudberry: loves to paint

Bring the Story Tree to the Family Celebration on January 25th.

2. Find an object that means something to your family.
Ask about an old photo. Learn what was happening when the photograph was taken. Share the photo and the story with a family member who doesn't know about what was happening.

This is a family activity, I just need to know your Brownie completed it!

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