Monday, January 14, 2013

Meeting Five ~ 1/11/13

At this meeting, we had Junior Troop 21809 join us to help us prepare for our Cookie Sales.

We started the meeting by working on addressing and stamping the postcards for our yearly postcard exchange. We had a total of 70 postcards this year going to 48 states and 12 countries.

We also touched base on all of the pending homework assisgnments. We went back and looked at the Healthy Living Homework from a couple of meeting back and now ALL of the Brownies have completed the assignment. ~ We also went back and looked at the Feeling Faces homework assignment. Last but not least, we looked at the Old Picture Homework due at this meeting. Three of the Brownies completed this assignment, so if your Brownie is one of the ones who has not completed it, please have her bring it to the Family Dinner on the 25th.

New Homework Assignmen t~ Select one of the following activities:
1. Try 3 new foods that are good for your
2. Try 3 different kinds of exercises
Please let me know when they have completed this assignment. Due before 1/25

We confirmed our goal for this year's Cookie Sale. The Brownies would like to raise enough money to go to Hershey Park. More information on this trip will be provided at a later date.

We practiced our selling skills, cookie knowledge and prepped for the sale.

Our troop goal is 105 boxes per girl!

Next meeting: Our Family Dinner Celebration (6:30 p.m. ~ BVE Cafeteria)

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