Friday, May 17, 2013

Early Bird Registration

The Girl Scout Early Bird Registration has started and will run through June 30th. If your daughter registers before June 30th for the next Scouting Year, she will earn a special Early Bird Patch.

In order to make sure we have the registrations submitted on time, I am asking that you turn your registrations in to me by June 18th.

The Girl Registration Forms can be found here:

Registration Fees for the year are $15 per person.

Please fill out the forms and turn them in to me. Make the check for the registration fees to Girl Scout Troop 21870.

If you have any questions about the Early Bird Resgitration, please do not hesitate to contact me.

* Don't forget if your Brownie sold more than 200 boxes of cookies, she is eligible for a membership voucher. You should have received an email recently about that. Just let me know if you have authorized for her to be registered for next year.

Returning Brownies:

Monday, May 13, 2013

Just a friendly reminder...our next meeting is this Friday.

May 17 , 2013

Art Room

3:15pm - 5:00pm

Ava is scheduled to be our snack buddy!

Things for your Brownie to remember to bring to the meeting:

1. Meeting Dues ($1)

2. Terracycle Donations

3. Any outstanding homework due from past meetings. (This will be the last meeting where I will accept any outstanding homework)

If you have any questions about Friday's meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Look at the Rest of the Year...

Our first Brownie year is quickly coming to a close, so I wanted to share what the rest of our year looks like...

May 3 ~ Brownie Meeting with Junior Troop 23

May 17 ~ Brownie Meeting with Junior Troop 21809

May 31 ~ Last Meeting (we will work on our scrapbooks and discuss our first year)

June 8 ~ HersheyPark Camporee

July 13 ~ Tentative Get Together

August 17 ~ Tentative Get Together

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Meeting Reminder

Just a friendly reminder...our next meeting is this Friday.

May 3 , 2013

Art Room

3:15pm - 5:00pm

Katerina is scheduled to be our snack buddy!

Things for your Brownie to remember to bring to the meeting:

1. Meeting Dues ($1)

2. Terracycle Donations

3. Any outstanding homework due from past meetings.

If you have any questions about Friday's meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Meeting Eight ~ 4/19/13

At this meeting, Brownies started off by sharing their School Supplies homework assignment with the troop. The girls shared where they did their pretend shopping and whether they were able to stay within their budget.

After sharing the current homework with the troop, I gave everyone to share any outstanding homework assignments with the troop, so they could catch up.

Once we completed with our homework catch up, I assigned the next homework assignment.

Go online and research a country you want to visit. You will need to tell us about their currency, language, and food. Plus, tell us a little bit about the cities/attractions you want to visit there.

The girls will be sharing this information with us at our Court of Awards Ceremony this Friday.

I then gave the Brownies a map of the US, so they could check off the states we received postcards from through our troop postcard exchange. After reading all of our postcards, they were divided between the girls and they were given an opportunity to place them in their scrapbooks.

I also informed the troop, that we will be trying to schedule two get togethers during their Summer. They voted on having a spa day and going to the movies.
Next gathering: Friday (4/26) ~ Court of Awards Ceremony/Dinner

Monday, April 15, 2013

Meeting Reminder

Just a friendly reminder...our next meeting is this Friday.

April 19 , 2013

Art Room

3:15pm - 5:00pm

Paree is scheduled to be our snack buddy!

Things for your Brownie to remember to bring to the meeting:

1. Meeting Dues ($1)

2. Terracycle Donations

3. Scrapbook

4. Homework (School Supplies)

5. Any outstanding homework due from past meetings.

6. Any outstanding monies owed to the troop.

If you have any questions about Friday's meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Snack Buddies Needed

We need some Snack Buddies...if your Brownie has not signed up to be a Snack Buddy yet, please send me an email with the date they would like to provide snack for thr troop.

April 19 ~ Paree

April 26 ~ Court of Awards

May 3 ~ Katerina

May 17 ~ Ava

May 31 ~ End of Year Celebration

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Money Manager Homework

Step Four the Money Manager Badge

Take your Brownie along on your shopping errands to visit a store that has school supplies. How much of her list can she pretend to buy with $15? She can add one "fun" school supply item to her list if she still has enough money.

1st Grade Supply List (Claire and Sophia)
Set of Expo2Dry Erase Markers (1)
24 Pack of Crayons (1)
Pack of #2 Pencils (1)
Large Glue Stick (2)
Box of Colored Pencils (1)
Pencil Case
Pair of Youth Scissors (1)

3rd Grade Supply List (all other Brownies)
Vinyl Folder (1)
Marble Composition Books (2)
Soft Pencil Bag with Zipper (1)
Pack of #2 Pencils (1)
Set of Expo2Dry Erase Markers (1)
Large Glue Stick (1)
Box of Thin Tip Markers (1)
Pair of Youth Scissors (1)

Please have her turn in her homework during our next meeting.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Meeting Seven ~ 3/8/13

At this meeting, we focused on completing requirements for the Money Manager badge.

We completed Step One by going shopping with grocery store advertisements and putting together a dinner menu for a family with a budget of $25.

Then we completed Step Two by going clothes shopping by putting together 2 outfits under $25 each.

For Step Three, we played a fun shopping game to see who would run out fun money first.

Step Five, was a discussion of our trip to Hershey Park and how much money we would need to go on the trip. We discussed our inittial cookie goal which was to sell 1050 boxes of cookies. We asked each girl to sell at least 105 boxes of cookies.

We talked about what would happen if the goal was not met by each girl. Then we talked about how if some girls sold more than the 105, it would still help us reach our goal. Then, I asked them if they thought we had met our goal. The majority said no, which made them sad.

In the end, we did meet our goal, and were able to sell 1740 boxes of cookies! The girls were very excited about the news!  It is very important for us to register for the Hershey Park Camporee as soon as possible. So, if you will or will not be attending, please let me know before the end of this week.

We also worked on our scrapbooks and continued to rehearse for Lip Sync.

Homework assignment: They still need to complete Step Four of the Money Manager badge. I will have a separate post for this assignment.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Lip Sync Rehearsal Schedule

This will be the rehearsal schedule for the troop to prepare for Lip Sync 2013.

All rehearsals are on Saturdays at 3:00 p.m. at Nicole's house.

March 16

March 23

March 30


Please add these to your calendars.

If your Brownie will not be able to attend a rehearsal, please let us know as soon as possible.


Upcoming Events ~ RSVP Update

Service Unit Camporee
RSVP Deadline: Passed


Lip Sync 2013
RSVP Deadline: Passed

Katerina/4 adults/1 child/DVD
Jayden/3 adults
Ava/2 adults/DVD
Claire/2 adults
Cianna/2 adults/DVD
Sophia/2 adults/DVD
Maura/2 adults/1 child
Hershey Camp-O-Ree
RSVP Deadline: Passed

Katerina/2 adults/1 child ~ PAID
Ava/1 adult ~ PAID
Claire/1 adult ~ PAID
Jayden/3 adults
Maura/2 adults/1child

Sweetheart Dance:
RSVP Deadline: March 22

Katerina ~ PAID
Cianna ~ PAID
Sophia ~ PAID
Ava ~ PAID
Claire ~ PAID

The RSVP and payment deadlines for three of the events have already passed. If you are still interested in attending these events, you will need to let me know by this Wednesday, March 13th.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Meeting Reminder

Just a friendly reminder...our next meeting is this Friday.

March 8 , 2013

Art Room

3:15pm - 5:30pm

Allison is scheduled to be our snack buddy!

Things for your Brownie to remember to bring to the meeting:

1. Meeting Dues ($1)

2. Permission Slips
    * Pine Run

3. Terracycle Donations

4. Scrapbook

If you have any questions about Friday's meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Monday, March 4, 2013


Service Unit Camporee
June 1st
We are only looking at the day option for this event.
RSVP Deadline: March 8th

Lip Sync 2013
April 5th
Adults: $4
DVDs: $4
Please let me know how many people adults and children (not including your Brownie) will be attending and whether you will want a DVD.
RSVP Deadline: March 8th

We will also need one parent to work security during the event. Security shifts will be 20 minutes long and you will not miss your Brownie's performance. Please let me know if you would be willing to do this.

Hershey Camp-O-Ree
June 8th
$49.50 (ages 3-8 & 55+)/$54 (ages (9-54)
Please remember an adult must accompany each Brownie. The troop will be covering the cost of each Brownie.
RSVP and Payment Deadline: March 8th

Sweetheart Dance
April 12th
$12 per couple/$8 per extra girl
RSVP and Payment Deadline: March 22nd

Thank You E-Card
Please remember your Brownie needed to send a thank you e-card to the Brownie who gave her a present at the December 14th meeting. So far, I only have confirmation that three Brownies have done this.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Meeting Room Sponsorship

As we discussed at the beginning of the troop year, we are charged $10 per meeting to have our meetings at the school. I know many of you wanted to sponsor a meeting or two to help the troop cover this expense.

Currently, we have the following meetings:

September 21 ($10) ~ sponsored by Katerina
October 19  ($10) ~ sponsored by Allison
November 30 ($10)  ~ sponsored by Paree
December 14 ($10) ~
January 11 ($10) ~
January 25 ($20 cafeteria) ~ sponsored by Katerina
February 22 ($10) ~
March 8 ($10) ~
April 19 ($10) ~
April 26 ($20 cafeteria) ~ sponsored by Katerina
May 3 ($10) ~
May 17 ($10) ~
May 31 ($10) ~
June 14 ~ pending...

If you are willing to sponsor one of these meetings, please let me know. You can make a check to Troop 21870.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Meeting Reminder

Just a friendly reminder...our next meeting is this Friday.

February 22, 2013

Art Room

3:15pm - 5:30pm

Jayden is scheduled to be our snack buddy!

Things for your Brownie to remember to bring to the meeting:

1. Meeting Dues ($1)

2. Valentine's Day Cards to Exchange (10 for our troop, plus 4 for the Junior troop)

3. Goal Setting Report

4. Online Marketing Report (emails sent)

5. Terracycle Donations

Don't forget this will be the first meeting where the girls will be rehearsing for Lip Sync. So, pick up will be at 5:30 p.m.

If you have any questions about Friday's meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Cookie Wrap Up

Our Cookie Sale is quickly coming to an end (3/3)...

As of 2/19, we have the following cookies in stock:

Caramel deLites ~ 5
Thanks a Lot ~ 4
Thin Mints ~ 0
Mango Cremes ~ 0
Shortbread ~ 0
Peanut Butter Sandwich ~ 0
Lemonades ~ 0
Peanut Butter Patties ~ 0

If you need any more cookies, please let me know prior to Friday, 2/22.

If you have any outstanding monies due please pay them on or before Friday, 2/22.

I hope all the of the girls have been using the COCO Cookie Command website for their goal setting and tracking, as well as, online marketing.

If your Brownie has been using the website, please have them bring a printout of their goal chart and online marketing (emails sent) reports to the next meeting (2/22).
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tamanend Service Unit 2013 Camporee

May 31 - June 2, 2013
Camp Kweebec in Schwenksville, PA

Camporee Overview:
  • Cost include meals, snack, all activities, event patch
  • Troops will be scheduled with a full day of acitivies on Saturday, as well as, an evening activity for Saturday evening if applicable.
  • Some activities will tie in to badge requirements
  • They will be doing rope runners ~ a tradition in the Service Unit
  • They will be doing SWAPS, another Girl Scout tradition
  • There are two overnight accomodation options: cabins (with cots, running water/bathrooms) or bring and pitch your own tents in designated camping area.
  • Additional parent volunteers will be requested from troops to help on Saturday. Assignments could include helping at an activity station, or at the First Aid Station (for first aid trained adults)
Options available:
One Night ~ $60
Saturday a.m. to Sunday a.m.
Includes Sat. lunch, dinner, Sun. breakfast
Saturday Only ~ $50
Saturday a.m. to p.m.
Includes Sat. lunch and dinner
Initial Deposit due to Service Unit by March 15.
Final Registration and Payment due to Service Unit by April 15.
We will need chaperones, parent volunteers to help during the event, and one first aid certified adult.
Please let me know by March 1st, if you think that your Brownie would be interested in attending.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Hersheypark Camp-O-Ree

Hersheypark Camp-O-Ree
June 8, 2013

Package Details:
Saturday admission to Hersheypark
Saturday picnic-style dinner at Hersheypark
Saturday Evening Character Dance Party at Hersheypark
2013 Camp-O-Ree patch
Day Package:
Regular (Ages 9-54) ~ $54
Junior/Senior (Ages 3-8 & 55+) ~ $49.50
Parking Fees Additional
Camporee T-Shirt ~ $16
Meal Ticket ~ $13.75

Please note: since this is our first troop long distance trip, a parent/guardian must accompany each Brownie.

Sample Itinerary:
9am ~ Visit Hershey Chocolate World
10am ~ Hersheypark Opens
5pm-8pm ~ Dinner in Hersheypark
6pm - 8pm ~ Character Dance Party in Hersheypark

RSVP Deadline and Payment Deadline: March 22, 2013

Please make checks payable to troop 21870 since we need to send one payment to Hersheypark. Our cookie sale profits will cover the cost of the day package and meak ticket for your Brownie.
If you have an questions, please no not hesitate to ask.

Katerina (2 aduts/2 children)
Jayden (3 adults/1 child)
Ava/Claire (2 adults)

Thursday, January 31, 2013

New Pick Up Procedures

Bridge Valley’s newer regulations regarding building security have caused some confusion and complication with Brownie/Girl Scout pick up. Prior to the new year, the green doors and main office doors had been unlocked, so parents could just come into the building to pick students up from after school activities. Effective 1/2/13, all of the doors to the building are locked at all times. The main office is staffed until 4:30 each day.
For all future pick ups, we have been informed that the entire troop should dismiss by the way of the green door.  Parents come to the green doors where we will be standing with the group of girls. 
Our meetings (2/22 and 3/8), will run until 5:30pm since we will also be rehearsing for Lip Sync. After that pick up is at 5pm.
If for any reason, you need to pick up Brownie before the scheduled time, you will need to let me know prior to the meeting.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Valentine's Day Celebration

Valentine's Day Celebration
Friday, February 8th
Pine Run Retirement Home

Please remember permission slips are due 2 weeks before any outing. The deadline for submitting the Valetine's Day Celebration at Pine Run persmission slips has passed. Below are the Brownies who RSVPd for this trip and whether they have submitted the slip. If your Brownie plan on attending and you have not turned in your permission slip yet, please do so before the end of this week. If I don't have your slip by this Sunday, your Brownie will not be able to attend.

Brownie/Permission Slip Received?
Mary Kate/No

No Response

We will also be exchanging Valentine's Day Cards at this event. So, please make sure your Brownie brings a card of each troop member (we have 10 Brownies).

As always, if your Brownie will need a ride to Pine Run, please let me know as soon as possible. Or if you can offer a ride to another Brownie, please let me know that as well. Pick up will be at Pine Run at 5:15pm.

Sophia is scheduled to be our Snack Buddy that day.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Lip Sync Update

Lip Sync 2013

April 5, 2013

Tamanend Middle School

6:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
A check for the number of girls x $4.50 This includes a patch.  (The troop will cover the cost of the Brownies)

 DVD's x $4.00  (They record the entire show.)

Adult advanced tickets x $4.00

Children are admitted free.

RSVP deadline March 8, 2013. I will need to know how many adults, children (not including your Brownie), and whether you want a DVD.

Please make checks out to Troop 21870 and then the troop will make one check out for the event.

Any questions...please do not hesitate to ask.

Katerina/4 adults/1 child/DVD
Jayden/3 adults
Ava/1 adult/DVD
Claire/1 adult

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Our Family...Our Troop Potluck

Just a reminder that Our Family...Our Troop Potluck is tomorrow night (Friday, 1/25)!

January 25, 2013

Bridge Valley Elementary Cafeteria

6:30 p.m.
Brownies should plan on sharing their Family Story Tree with us tomorrow night. So, please make sure it is complete.
During the potluck we will also have our Court of Awards where the girls will receive the badges/patches that they have earned until now.

Brownies should wear their uniform.

Your Brownie should also bring her Brownie Bucks earned to date. They will have the opportunity to "shop" after the dinner.

Please remember the deadline to complete homework assignments was yesterday, so please check the previous homework post to see what your Brownie still had not turned in. If she has completed them, please let me know TODAY as I am finishing the court of awards presentations tonight.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. See you all tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Homework Reminders

At Friday's Family Dinner Celebration, your Brownies will also be receiving the badges they have earned to date.

So, this is a reminder that if your Brownie has any incomplete homework assignments, I will need them submitted by this Wednesday (1/23) as I need time to prepare for Friday's Court of Awards Presentation.

1. Feeling Faces (Jayden?)

2. Old Photo (Ava, Claire, Cianna, Jayden, Maura, Sophia?)

3. Try 3 news foods or 3 new exercises (all Brownies still need to complete this?)

All of the above homework assignments just need confirmation that the assignment has been completed. You can just send me an email...

4. My Family Story (family tree - needs to be presented by all Brownies at the Family Celebration Friday night.)

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

5=52 Customer Contest

The 5=52 Customer Contest returns this year. It is a chance for customers to win cookies for a year! For every five packages of cookies purchased, the customer has a chance to enter into a drawing for 52 boxes of cookies. Five winners will be randomly chosen at the end of Cookie Program.

Customers who purchase 5 boxes can visit to enter.

Please feel free to print out extra thank you cards to direct customers to the online entry form if they purchase five or more packages of cookies.

Please let me know if you have any questions about this contest.

Terracycle Update

We were able to submit our second shipment to TerraCycle.

Drink Pouch Brigade
We collected 335 units
Personal Care and Beauty Brigade
We collected 93 units


we now have a credit of $16.92 with TerraCycle.

Thank you to everyone who donated. I can't wait to see how much we can submit next time. Hopefully, everyone can collect items and help us out with our next shipment.

Remember, we are participating in the following Brigades:

Cheese Packaging Brigade

Juice Pouch Brigade

Personal Care and Beauty Brigade

Oral Care Brigade

If you have any questions about Terracycle or the Brigades we are participating in, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Cookie Booths

These are our Cookie Booths for this year's Cookie Sale.

1/17 ~ Guiseppe's (5pm - 7pm)
  • Katerina
  • Maura
1/18 ~ First National Bank (4pm - 6pm)
  • Katerina
  • Cianna
1/18 ~ Giovanni's (6pm - 8pm)
  • Katerina
  • Jayden
1/19 ~ The Meat Store (12:30pm - 2:30pm)
  • Katerina
  • Sophia
1/19 ~ Staples (4pm - 6pm)
  • Katerina
1/20 ~ Moe's (12pm - 2pm)
  • Katerina
1/24 ~ Guiseppe's (5pm - 7pm)
  • Maura
  • Claire & Ava
1/27 ~ Moe's (12pm - 2pm)
  • Katerina
  • Ava
1/27 ~ Menchie's (2pm-4pm)
  • Jayden
  • Katerina
1/27 ~ Menchie's (4pm-6pm)
  • Katerina
  • Paree
1/31 ~ Guiseppe's (5pm - 7pm)
  • Maura
  • Jayden
2/2 ~ Staples (10am - 2pm)
  • Katerina
  • Claire
2/2 ~ Staples (4pm - 6pm)
  • Jayden
  • Katerina
2/3 ~ Redners (10am - 12pm)
  • Katerina
  • Maura
2/7 ~ Guiseppe's (5pm - 7pm)

2/9 ~ Walgreens (12pm - 2pm)

  • Katerina
  • Paree
2/9 ~ Walgreens (2pm - 4pm)
  • Mary Kate
  • Jayden
2/10 ~ Staples (11am - 1pm)
  • Katerina
  • Paree
2/10 ~ Staples (3pm - 5pm)
  • Katerina
  • Allison
 We still have some booth times available, so if your Brownie would like another booth, please let me know. Also, if you have signed up for a booth and will not be able to make it, please let me know as well.

Monday, January 14, 2013

COCO Cookie Command

COCO is your online "Cookie Command" center for your cookie business. COCO helps you:
  • Set your goal of how many packages of cookies you want to sell this year.
  • Make plans for how you will reach your goals.
  • Check how you're doing along the way.
  • Send eCards to your friends and family to tell them it's cookie time and ask for their support.
Be sure to visit your troop's page in COCO for important messages from your troop leader. You can also see what your friends are doing and even send them cheers to help them along.

Click on Girl Login to enter the site...

Meeting Five ~ 1/11/13

At this meeting, we had Junior Troop 21809 join us to help us prepare for our Cookie Sales.

We started the meeting by working on addressing and stamping the postcards for our yearly postcard exchange. We had a total of 70 postcards this year going to 48 states and 12 countries.

We also touched base on all of the pending homework assisgnments. We went back and looked at the Healthy Living Homework from a couple of meeting back and now ALL of the Brownies have completed the assignment. ~ We also went back and looked at the Feeling Faces homework assignment. Last but not least, we looked at the Old Picture Homework due at this meeting. Three of the Brownies completed this assignment, so if your Brownie is one of the ones who has not completed it, please have her bring it to the Family Dinner on the 25th.

New Homework Assignmen t~ Select one of the following activities:
1. Try 3 new foods that are good for your
2. Try 3 different kinds of exercises
Please let me know when they have completed this assignment. Due before 1/25

We confirmed our goal for this year's Cookie Sale. The Brownies would like to raise enough money to go to Hershey Park. More information on this trip will be provided at a later date.

We practiced our selling skills, cookie knowledge and prepped for the sale.

Our troop goal is 105 boxes per girl!

Next meeting: Our Family Dinner Celebration (6:30 p.m. ~ BVE Cafeteria)

Monday, January 7, 2013

Meeting Reminder

Just a friendly reminder...our next meeting is this Friday.

January 11 , 2013

Art Room

3:15pm - 5:00pm

Katerina is scheduled to be our snack buddy!

Things for your Brownie to remember to bring to the meeting:

1. Meeting Dues ($1)

2. Permission Slips
* Valentine's Day Celebration (Pine Run)
3. Homework Update

4. Terracycle Donations

5. Stamp Donations (the girls will be working on the postcards at this meeting, so please let me know if you can donate any stamps. We had 50 stamps donated: Aymee, Brigid, and Nicole. We still need 20 more stamps.)

If you have any questions about Friday's meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Thank You E-Card
Please remember your Brownie needed to send a thank you e-card to the Brownie who gave her a present at the December 14th meeting. So far, I only have confirmation that two Brownies have done this.

Family Potluck ~ January 25, 2013
If you haven't done so, please RSVP for this event through our SignUp Genius invitation link.

Homework ~
Feeling Faces: We have several Brownies who did not complete this homework in time for our last meeting. They will have an opportunity to share it with us this week.

Old Photo: Your Brownie will get an opportunity to tell us if she completed this homework assignment.

Family Story Tree: Tree will need to be presented at the Family Potluck.

Cookie Booths
I will be securing the cookie booths for our troop this Thursday. If you have not told me how many booths your Brownie wants to work, you will have until Wednesday (1/9) to let me know. If I don't hear from you by then, I will assume that your Brownie will only be working one booth during the sale.

I have heard from the following Brownies about the number of booths they want to work: Katerina, Cianna, Sophia, Ava, and Claire.

Lip Sync ~ April 5, 2013
Please let me know if your Brownie will be participating in this event.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


We got our song approved for our Troop's performance at Lip Sync 2013.

Katy Perry's Firework performed by the cast of Glee.

Nicole has been gracious enough to volunteer to work with the girls again this year for their performance.

I am so excited and can't wait to see the show!

Lip Sync 2013

April 5, 2013

Tamanend Middle School

6:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
This will be the rehearsal schedule for the troop to prepare for Lip Sync 2013.

We are hoping to have rehearsals on the following days~ right after our meeting. So, we would be meeting until 5:30pm...

February 22 (Friday)

March 8 (Friday)
We will also need to meet on the following dates as we get closer to the event.

March 23 (Saturday)

April 4 (Thursday)

Please add these to your calendars.

If your Brownie will not be able to attend a rehearsal, please let us know as soon as possible.

I will also need you to let me know whether your Brownie will be participating in this event.

Sweetheart Dance

GSEP Father/Daughter Sweetheart Dance

Friday, April 12th

Bridge Valley Elementary Cafeteria

7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. ~ Dance

$12 per couple/$8 per extra girl (price includes a patch, downloadable photo, and refreshments)

Registrations for this event are due by April 1st, so please turn in your registration and payment to me by our March 22nd meeting.

I will be emailing the registration form to you tonight.

