Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Our Family Our Troop

Brownie Troop 21870
is celebrating their families...

Please join us for
Multicultural Potluck Celebration

January 25, 2013
Bridge Valley Elementary Cafeteria
6:30 p.m.

Please bring a dish reflective of your heritage to share with us!

Please RSVP through our SignUp Genius invitation.


Family Homework

At the December 14 meeting, your Brownies got some homework.

1. Make a Story Tree - Knowing who your family members are is only half the fun! Find a special detail about each person to write on your family tree. ~ you can draw or paint your tree or get an adult's help to do it on the computer.

Special Family Details :
~ the person's nickname
~ the person's favorite color
~ the person's favorite thing to eat
~ the person's pet
~ a funny story about the person
~ the person's favorite joke
~ the person's family

Sample Family:
~ Brownie Elf: loves making new friends
~ Grandma Elf: once met a unicorn
~ Grandpa Elf: always loses his glasses
~ Aunt Bonnie: favorite color orange
~ Uncle Fergis: once swallowed a fly
~ Cousin Cloudberry: loves to paint

Bring the Story Tree to the Family Celebration on January 25th.

2. Find an object that means something to your family.
Ask about an old photo. Learn what was happening when the photograph was taken. Share the photo and the story with a family member who doesn't know about what was happening.

This is a family activity, I just need to know your Brownie completed it!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Take Action

One of the Action Plans that the Brownies voted on was to work with residents of Pine Run Retirement Community. The completion of this Action Plan will assist the troop in completing the final steps needed to earn the 3rd and final keys of the Brownie Quest.

We are currently looking at making three visits to the community, one of which was our visit last week.

1. Christmas Caroling (12/7/12) ~ Done (all Brownies attended)

2. Valentine's Day Celebration (2/8/13)

3. Spring Celebration (3/22/13)

All visits will take place on a Friday after school.

Transportation for these field trips will need to be coordinated. So, please make sure to RSVP early. When you RSVP, please make sure that you let me know if your Brownie will need a ride or whether you will be able to provide transportation to other Brownies.

Please note: the deadline to RSVP and return the permission slips will be two weeks before the field trip. Due to Council policy, we will no longer be able to let Brownies participate who have not turned in their slips, so please make sure to turn it in on time.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Attending (2/8/13):
Attenting (3/22/13):

Meeting Reminder

Just a friendly reminder...our next meeting is this Friday.

December 14 , 2012

Art Room

3:15pm - 5:00pm

Cianna is scheduled to be our snack buddy!

Things for your Brownie to remember to bring to the meeting:

1. Meeting Dues ($1)

2. Permission Slips
    * Service Unit Cookie Rally ($7 if they want the t-shirt)
    * Service Unit MLK Day of Service Event

3. Feeling Faces Homework

4. Terracycle Donations

5. Stamp Donations (the girls will be working on the postcards at this meeting, so please let me know if you can donated any stamps.)

6. We will be counting the socks from our Sock Collection Drive. Our goal is to collect 100 pairs of socks! So, if you have any more socks to donate, please bring them to the meeting.

7. Cookies for the Cookie Exchange

8. Gift and Computer Made Card for the gift exchange.

9. Scrapbook

If you have any questions about Friday's meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Scrapbook Update

We will be working on our scrapbooks at this Friday's Meeting. So, please make sure your Brownie brings it with her.

She can start working on pages at home as well. I would suggest doing the first page as her "Me" page with it being all about her.

As an example, Katerina will also have a family page, as well as, a page about being a Daisy.

If your Brownie attended the Social at Menchies in August, she should have brought home some pictures that I took at that event. So, she can also work on a page for that.

If you have any questions about the scrapbook, don't hesitate to ask.

Team Agreement

This is the Team Agreement the Brownies created as a Troop.
  1. Look at people when they are talking.
  2. Be healthy
  3. Cooperate
  4. Respect each other
  5. Stay together
  6. Help each other
  7. Talk kindly to one another
  8. Follow the agreement

The troop created this team agreement and agreed to follow these rules. Please have them add these to their Brownie Quest book (page 53) .

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas Caroling Reminder


December 7th

4:00 p.m.

Pine Run Retirement Community

777 Ferry Road, Doylestown

Please note:
If your Brownie is getting a ride from a Brownie Mom tomorrow
don't forget to let their teacher know that they will be a car rider.
You will need to pick up your Brownie at Pine Run at 5:15 p.m.

If you have not turned in their permission slip, please make sure they bring it with them tomorrow!

Katerina (form rec'd)
Jayden (form rec'd)
Ava (form rec'd)
Claire (form rec'd)
Cianna (form rec'd)
Paree (form rec'd)
Maura (form rec'd)
Sophia (form rec'd)
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Cookie Exchange and Gift Exchange

We will be having a Cookie Exchange and a Gift Exchange at our next meeting (Dec. 14).

Gift Exchange ~ Your Brownie selected a name at the last meeting. She is to purchase a gift for that Brownie.

Gift Exchange Theme ~ The Brownies voted on a theme for the exchange. The gift must be a craft kit of some sort...for example, a jewelry making kit, card making kit, rock painting kit, suncatcher painting kit, jewelry box decorating kit, etc. Or you can put together a kit of your own, i.e. markers, stickers, glitter glue, paper, etc. In the end, the Brownie should be able to make something with what she is given.

Christmas Card ~ With the gift exchange, your Brownie is to give her Secret Brownie a Christmas/Holiday card made on the computer.

Cookie Exchange ~ Each Brownie should bring a different kind of homemade cookie to exchange.

Allison ~ M & M Cookies
Ava ~ Snickerdoodle Cookies
Cianna ~ Chocolate Chip Coconut Cookies
Claire ~ Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
Jayden ~ Sugar Cookies
Katerina ~ Chocolate White Chocolate Chip Cookies
Maura ~
Paree ~ Shortbread Cookies
Sophia ~ Cream Cheese Cookies
If you have any questions about the Holiday Meeting (Cookie Exchange or Gift Exchange), please do not hesitate to ask.

Meeting Three ~ 11/30/12

Our third meeting of the year focused on completing the steps for the second key in our Quest.

The girls reviewed their Healthy Living Homework. ~ If your Brownie did not complete her homework, please have her complete it before the next meeting. She will not earn her second key if the homework has not been done.

We completed Our Brownie Troop Team Agreement, which they worked on as a team. I will add the Team Agreement to the site as a separate post. ~ Please have your Brownie write the Team Agreement in their Quest Book.

We read the Broken Sidewalk Story from the Brownie Quest book. We talked about how we could make a difference and talked about how we can make a difference as a troop. We talked about the following people/things that need our help:

1. Pine Run Retirement Community ~ The are very excited to have us come Christmas Caroling on Friday. They would love it if our Brownies could visit with their residents monthly.

2. Kids Castle ~ Kids Castle is in need of repair and they are looking at the community for help. They have a Kids Coordinator for their efforts who I will contact to see how we can help.

3. Troop affected by Hurricane Sandy ~ Many troops were affected by Hurricane Sandy since their troop members lost everything (uniforms, patches, etc) and they are looking for other troops to help. We are on a waiting list to get a troop assigned to us.

Some Brownies made suggestions for which song we should perform at Lip Sync. We will be voting on our song at the next meeting.

We talked about the Warm Sock Drive, Our Cookie Exchange, and upoming Gift Exchange.

Homework: Feeling Faces ~ Each day for one week, draw your "feeling faces". Do this in the morning, afternoon, and before you go to bed. Which time of day is your happiest? Why? Talk with your family about how to make more happy times. You will share your pictures with the troop and talk about why you drew that face.

Our next meeting date is December 14, 2012.

Troop Reminders

Healthy Living Homework Assignment ~ Was due at the last meeting. If your Brownie has not completed this assisgnment, please have her do so before the next meeting.

First Aid Badge ~ A couple of the Brownies have not completed the requirements for the First Aid Badge. If your Brownie has not completed the requirements, it is not too late. She can still earn the badge at the next Court of Awards Ceremony, so please have her complete the requirements.

Warm Sock Drive ~ Please remember that our Warm Sock Drive wil end this Friday (12/7). Our goal was to collect 100 pairs of brand new warm socks. From the look of our hamper, we are still far from our goal. So, please don't forget to donate!

Postcard Exchange ~ We still need postcard stamps to be donated for our postcard exchange. We still need about 40 more stamps. We will be working on these at our December 14th meeting, so if you will be donating any stamps, please let me know as soon as possible.

Cookie Booth Reminder ~ Please remember I need to know how many cookie booths your Brownie would like to work. I am trying to figure out how many we should plan for and I need to place our initial cookie order this week. (Please note: I can't guarantee a number of booths yet...)

MLK Day of Service Volunteer Event ~ Please don't forget to RSVP for the MLK Day of Service Event. R.S.V.P. deadline Dec. 14

Service Unit Cookie Rally ~ Please don't forget to R.S.V.P. for the Service Unit Cookie Rally. R.S.V.P. deadline Dec. 14

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Service Unit Cookie Rally

Service Unit 2013 Cookie Rally 
Date: Saturday , January 12, 2013
 1 p.m. -3 p.m.
Location: Neshaminy Warwick Church
(just off Bristol Road at the bridge)
This is a Service Unit wide event. They will have several activities related to the cookie sale.
Price: $10.50 (includes cookie rally t-shirt) or $3.50 (without the t-shirt)
The troop can cover the cost of the rally ($3.50) but if you would like the t-shirt,
you will need to pay for the t-shirt ($7.00).
The t-shirt will say, "I AM SELLING COOKIES FOR" and then the girls can write their goal on the shirt. Please note, the shirt is not really designed for a sash, so part of the message will be covered.
R.S.V.P. (and t-shirt payment) deadline, December 14, 2012
Please let me know if your Brownie will be attending, and if you want the t-shirt please include the needed size.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask...

Monday, November 26, 2012

Meeting Reminder

Just a friendly reminder...our next meeting is this Friday.

November 30, 2012

Art Room

3:15pm - 5:00pm

Paree is scheduled to be our snack buddy!

Things for your Brownie to remember to bring to the meeting:

1. Meeting Dues ($1)

2. Signed Permission Slips - deadline to submit them for the following events is this Friday (11/30).
Peddler's Village Parade
Christmas Caroling

3. Healthy Living Homework

4. Terracycle Donations

5. Stamp Donations

Don't forget about our Warm Sock Drive. Or goal is to collect 100 pairs of socks!

We will also be voting on the song we will be performing for Lip Sync. So, if your Brownie has a song she would like to nominate, please bring the song to the meeting, so the girls can hear it and vote on them.

If you have any questions about Friday's meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Peddler's Village Christmas Parade

Just received our confirmation for the Peddler's Village Christmas Parade.

Saturday, December 1, 2012
Line up: 1:15 p.m.
Parade Starts: 1:30 p.m.

The parade takes approximately 15 minutes.

The parade will begin by Earl's Bucks County Restaurant and will proceed up Street Road, through the Village, across Rt. 263 and end at Giggleberry Fair.

It would be nice if the girls could wear their uniforms, troop shirt or white shirt, and brown or khaki pants plus a red santa hat.

The arching order will be as follows: Giggles from Giggleberry Fair with Elves / CB East Marching Band and Flag Squad / The Stilt Walker / Scout Troops / Dancers / Spiced Punch Carolers / Santa & Mrs. Claus / Seasons Greetings Pep Band.

Please confirm whether your Brownie will be participating in the parade.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


MLK Volunteer Opportunity

Date: Monday, January 21, 2013

Location: Neshaminy Warwick Presbyterian Church

Address: 1401 Meetinghouse Rd.

Time: 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Our Service Unit is working on its first annual MLK Day of Service Event. There will be several stations set up at the event where the girls can help. I will be signing up for the girls will help assemble Cool Nights/Warm Treats bags (i.e. cookie mix and cocoa packets for clients of the Doylestown Food Pantry).
They will also have the opportunity to work on get well cards for patients at Doylestown Hospital and Valentine's Day cards for residents at Pine Run Retirement Home.


We ask each girl participating in the project to bring one (or more) food items with them. We could use as many donations as possible.

Items needed:

Brownie or Cookie Mix
Granola bars

Juice boxes

Fruit Snacks

Single-serving cocoa packs

Old Jeans
Sandwich ziploc bags

Quart ziploc bags

Please let me know if your Brownie will be attending this service project as space is limited. Please also let me know if you have a time preference.



Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Cookie Sale Update

It's that time of the year again, I am currently getting ready for our upcoming Cookie Sale...

Cookie Sale
January 17 - March 3

Some important things to know and or remember:

There is no early bird selling! This means your girls can't sell, make facebook posts, distribute flyers, etc. until January 17.

I will be placing our inital cookie order in two weeks! So, I need to get an idea of how many cookie booths we think the troop would like to do.

Please note:

If there are two girls at the booth, there must be two adults at the booth as well.

All adults working a booth, must be registered with Girl Scouts as an adult volunteer and they must have a background clearance done! So, if you have not done this yet, please do so as soon as possible.

I will also need to get an idea of how many booths you would like your Brownie to do. I would like for them to each at least work one booth. I can't guarantee dates, locations, or times until January.

If you have any questions about the cookie sale, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Postcard Exchange

Since last year's postcard exchange was so much fun, we will be doing it again this year! The Postcard Exchange will be taking place from now through February 2013. The girls have decided they want to try and exchange postcards with at least one troop in every state again.

I have started contacting troops throughout the United States and internationally and we currently have troops in 45 states and from 9 countries who have confirmed wanting to exchange postcards with us.

Luckily, we still have postcards leftover from last year's exchange (Valley Forge and the Philadelphia Zoo have both donated postcards) so if we do have to buy any postcards, it shouldn't be too many.

If anyone has any postcards stamps they can donate that would be appreciated. We will need about 50 postcard stamps.

Katerina ~ donating 20 stamps.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Save the Date ~ Christmas Caroling

One of the items on our troop activity wish list for this year was to go Caroling at a Retirement Home. So, we are currently working with Pine Run Retirement Community in Doylestown for the troop to go caroling around the community.

December 7th
4:00 p.m.
Pine Run Retirement Community
777 Ferry Road, Doylestown
We will have more information on this event later in the month.
If you would like to help with the songs and music for this event, please let me know.
Transportation will need to be coordinated for this event since it will take place right after school. If your Brownie will need a ride or if you can drive some of the Brownies, please let me know.
I will be emailing out the permission slips once we have all of the information for the event. Please make sure your Brownie brings the signed permission slip to our November 30th meeting.


Warm Sock Drive

Last year we had a very successful Food Drive which benefited the Bucks County Housing Group food pantry. We had a goal of collecting 100 pounds of food and were able to collect 296 pounds!

With such a successful drive, the Bucks County Housing Group, has now contacted us with the idea for a new collection drive...

Warm Sock Drive
November 12 - December 7
Collection Drop Off Location: Bridge Valley Elementary
Our goal for this Drive is to collect 100 pairs of new warm socks!
We need a collection box for the school. I think it would be great if we used someone unique like a hamper or something. If someone has one we can use, please let me know. It needs to be at the school starting Monday.
We will also need a flyer or poster to place on the collection box, if someone wants to take on this task, please let me know. Again, we would need it at the school starting Monday.
Also, it would be great if each parent contact the Classroom Coordinator and see if they can share the information with the class. Sometimes, it is helpful when the parents know that they are in the class with someone in the troop.
If you have any questions about the Warm Sock Drive, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Upcoming Events - This Weekend

Just a friendly reminder of two upcoming events this week.

Friday, November 2nd
7:15pm - 8:00pm
Self Defense Workshop
Action Karate 
2235 York Road, Jamison

Your Brownie should come dressed in comfortable clothes

Saturday, November 3rd
1:00 pm
Investiture/Rededication Ceremony
Guiseppe's Pizza and Family Restaurant
1380 W. Street Road, Warminster

During the Investiture/Rededication Ceremony we will also have our Court of Awards where the girls will receive the badges/patches that they have earned until now. 

Brownies being rededicated should wear their uniforms. New Brownies should bring their uniforms and will get to put them on during the ceremony,

You Brownie should also bring her Brownie Bucks earned to date. They will have the opportunity to "shop" after the ceremony. 

Please remember that if possible your Brownie should complete her first aid homework prior to the Court of Awards on Saturday. You will need to send me an email once you Brownie has completed the homework.

First Aid Badge


Step One
Find out how to get help from 911 - Get advice from an expert. Learn the importance of calling 911 in an emergency and what you need to say to get help. (Got this information at school from experts during Fire Prevention Week)

Step Two
Interview the school nurse. (10/19 meeting)

Step Three
Make a First Aid Kit. Make a kit for your troop. (10/19 meeting)

Step Four
Learn how to treat minor injuries. (10/19 meeting)

Step Five
Read all about it. Ask an adult to go online with you and make a list of local plants, animals, and insects to avoid and how to protect yourself from sunburn. Get information about treating a bug bite, bee sting, sunburn, or poison oak or ivy rash, then discuss what you find with family. (homework assignment)

Monday, October 29, 2012

Meeting Two - 10/19/12

Our second meeting of the year focused on earning our First Aid Badge.

Mrs. Horvath (school nurse) was our guest speaker. The girls got an opportunity to tour the nurse's office, ask questions, take each other's temperature, and even watched as Maura's tooth was pulled.

Thanks to Mrs. Horvath, we were able to complete several of the steps needed to earn the First Aid Badge.

Your Brownie received our November Calendar, a list of the First Aid badge requirements, and the Brownie Bucks they earned at our first meeting and at the Corn Maze. They also learned about our upcoming events as well as learned about their new homework assignments.

We also got an opportunity to put together our troop first aid kit (thanks to all the great donations) and go over our Family Star Homework.

Our next meeting date is November 30, 2012.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Juliette Low Celebration Reminder

Just a reminder...

Juliette Low Birthday Celebration
This Thursday (10/25)
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
3073 Lower Mountain Road, Furlong

This is a pajama party, so please have your Brownie come in her pajamas! 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Homework Assignments

After today's meeting (10/19), your Brownie will have three homework assignments to complete before our next meeting on November 30th.

1. Healthy Living Family Activity ~

Your Brownie is practicing her leadership skills. An important one is showing that she cares about her family! Sometime before our next meeting (November 30th), she will be leading you in a healthy-living activity.

A few healthy-living activities are listed below, but feel free to let the conversation with your Brownie guide you to a new activity! What matters is giving your Brownie a chance to take the lead and show how much she cares about her family. Once she has, help her fill our the activity sheet on page 58 of her Journey book .

Possible Healthy-Living Actions

Find the healthy ideas and recipes in the Brownie Quest book. With your Brownie, pick one for your family.

Try a new healthy drink (for example, water or low-fat milk)

Be active together - walk, bike, ride or play catch or tag or another active game.

If your family already does many of these things, see how creative you can be with coming up with something new.

We look forward to hearing how your Brownie led your family!

Please have your Brownie bring her Journey Book with completed activity (page 58) to the November 30th meeting.

2. Lip Sync Song

Lip Sync's theme for this year is the tv show Glee. Please look for some Glee songs with your Brownie and send us a suggestion of a song she would like to do for the show. Please send us your song choice before our November 30th meeting, so that we may vote at that meeting.

3. First Aid Badge - Step 5

Know how to prevent and treat outdoor injuries.

Read all about it. - Go online with your Brownie and make a list of local plants, animals, and insects to avoid and how to protect yourself from sunburn. Get information about treating a bug bite, bee sting, sunburn, or poison oak or ivy rash, then discuss what you find with friends and family. Please send me an email when your Brownie has completed this assignment. If possible, have her complete it prior to the November 3rd Investiture Ceremony.

If you have any questions about the homework assignments, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Meeting Reminder - October 19th

Just a friendly reminder...our next meeting is this Friday.

October 19, 2012
Art Room
3:15pm - 5:00pm

Ava is scheduled to be our snack buddy!

Things for your Brownie to remember to bring to the meeting:

1. Meeting Dues ($1)

2. Signed Permission Slips - deadline to submit for them for the following events is this Friday.
    Dance Studio Tour
    Juliette Low Celebration
    Trunk or Treat
    Self Defense Workshop

3. RSVP and payment deadline for the Investiture/Rededication Ceremony is also this Friday.

4. My Family Star Homework 

5. Scrapbook

6. Health Form (if you have not turned it in yet)

7. Nuts about Reading Paperwork (end of sale)

8. Terracycle Donations

If you have any questions about Friday's meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Event Updates

This is list of our upcoming events! Please remember we need a permission slip for any event/meeting that takes place outside of our normal meeting time.

Dance Studio Tour
October 20
Cost: $0
RSVP Deadline October 19th

Juliette Low Birthday Celebration
October 25
Cost: $0
RSVP Deadline October 15th

Trunk or Treat
October 27
Cost: $3 (Covered by Troop)
RSVP Deadline October 19th

Self Defense Workshop
November 2
Cost: $3.50 (Covered by troop)
RSVP Deadline October 19th

Investiture/Rededication Lunch
November 3
Cost: $16 Adults/$8 Children
RSVP and Payment Deadline October 19th

Please check the individual event posts on the blog, to see if you have already submitted your RSVP and whether I already have your permission slip.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Dance Studio Tour

 I am working on several badges for the girls to earn this year. The Dancer badge is one of them and one of the steps to earn the badge is to visit a dance studio.

Dance Studio Tour
Dance with ME
641 Knowles Avenue (Southampton)
Saturday, October 20th
11:30am - 12:30pm
Please confirm whether your Brownie will be attending this event.
Please RSVP by October 19th.


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Trunk or Treat

Saturday, October 27th

5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Redeemer Lutheran Church

2100 York Road (Jamison)
What is Trunk or Treat?
Adults decorate cars and hand out treats from their trunks. Children dress in their Halloween costume and go from car to car collecting treats and enjoying your creativity. Please understand that all vehicles must remain off and no vehicle may leave until 7:30 p.m.
How do I decorate my trunk?
Anyway that you like, anything that sparks your creativity! This can be as elaborate or simple as you wish…just nothing too spooky or gruesome.

Trunk Set-up              5:30 – 6:00 (craft will be provided for kids while the cars are decorated)
Trunk Judging            6:00 – 6:15
Trunk or Treating       6:15 – 6:45
Story and Songs          6:45 – 7:15
Clean up                     7:15 – 7:30
Admission $3 per Girl Scout (covered by troop)/Siblings Free
Admission includes: treat bag, treats, craft, drinks, and a Halloween patch.

Please let me know if you and your Scout will be attending, plus if you would like to participate by decorating your trunk and offering treats to the girls. We would love to have a full parking lot. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

RSVP Deadline October 19th.
Katerina (+1 sibling) & Car

Thursday, October 4, 2012

My Family Star Homework

Making a Family Star instructions for your Brownie

Read the Girl Scout Law with your family:

I will do my best to be
Honest and fair,
Friendly and helpful,
Considerate and caring,
Courageous and strong, and
Responsible for what I say and do,
and to
Respect myself and others,
Respect authority,
Use resources wisely,
Make the world a better place, and
Be a sister to every Girl Scout.

What line from the Law is most important in your family?


Write your family's favorite line and the reason why in the center of your star.

Here's an example:


     Sometimes it is hard to do what you know is right - that's why being courageous is so important!

Who's in your family (mother, father, grandfather, aunt, sisters, brothers)? Write their names in the points of your star.

What special quality or skill do your family members have? Write those under their names.

After you fill your star, decorate it if you want to! Add colors, stickers, glitter, or whatever else  you have handy and bring it to our next Brownie meeting (October 19th)

Your Brownie will receive her star at tomorrow's field trip. There is also information on this assignment on page 51 of her Quest Book. Also, remember she should be reading Chapter 1 of her Quest book.

If you have any questions about this assignment, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Corn Maze/Picking Pumpkin Reminder

Friday is our field trip to
The Market at Delaware Valley College

Friday, October 5, 2012

3:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
If your Brownie will be needing a ride and you have not confirmed that with me yet, please do so as soon as possible.
For those whose Brownies are getting a ride from another Brownie mom, please remember that you must still pick up your Brownie at The Market at the end of the field trip.
Your Brownie should wear her sash, although I do not suggest that they wear their troop shirt.
Asnack and drink will be provided by Katerina. They do not need to bring their journey, scrapbooks, or meeting dues on Friday.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Meeting One ~ 9/21/12

Our first meeting was a success. All of the girls were in attendance and we even had a new girl to welcome!

We started the meeting by discussing our unique qualities and talents! It was great for the girls to see that everyone brings something to the group.

Then we discussed what the girls wanted to do as Brownies this year.

Cianna ~ Go camping, Visit a pottery studio, See a Christmas Show
Sophia~ Have a pajama party (popcorn/movie), Visit Hershey Park, Sing Christmas Carols at a retirement home
Jayden ~ Visit a pottery studio, Visit an art studio, Bake pretzels
Katerina ~ Go camping, Attend the Sweetheart dance, Participate in a parade, Have a tea party, Have a spa party
Ava ~ Sell cookies, Sing Christmas Carols at a retirement home, Go camping, Visit the zoo
Paree ~ Go ice skating, Have a Brownie party with other troops, Go to Sweet and Sassy
Allison ~ Have a sleepover party, Go camping
Maura ~ Sing Christmas Carols at a retirement home, Sell cookies, Have a sleepover party
Claire ~ Sell cookies, Sell magazines, Go camping

They were hoping we could do everything on their lists. I let them know, I would certainly try to do as many of them as possible.

The girls also voted what they wanted to do with the money they earned from the Fall Sale. They have decided to save and combine their earnings with their Cookie Sale earnings in the hopes of being able to do something bigger with the money.

We talked about some of the new things we would be doing this year.

1. Ms. Nicole would be working with them on creating scrapbooks about all of the great things we will be doing this year.

2. The girls will be assigned kapers to do at each meeting. (Activity Assistants, Attendance Keeper, Attendace Aide, Dues Collector, Hostess, Closing Leader, Clean Up Captains)

3. The girls received an October calendar, so they can start keeping track of the events we will be attending.

4. The girls will be earning Brownie Bucks this year which they can then use to shop for items at our "troop store". They earn bucks by attending meetings, wearing their uniforms, paying their meeting dues, bringing snack, participating in field trips, fundraising efforts, etc, bringing donations (terracycle, wish list, first aid), and earning a badge at home. Plus, they were reminded that Brownie Bucks would be taken away if they needed to be spoken to three times about their behavior.

It was a very busy meeting and we got alot accomplished in a short amount of time. It looks like the girls are just as excited about this upcoming year as I am.

Next meeting: October 6th ~ Corn Maze and Pumpkin Picking Field Trip

Troop Reminders

Fall Nut and Magazine Sale
September 17 - October 22
Permission slips to participate in the sale need to be turned in immediately.
Please make sure the girls are participating in the sales. It is important for them to take ownership of our fundraising efforts.

Corn Maze and Pumpkin Picking Field Trip
October 6
Cost: Covered by troop
Deadline for RSVPs was at the first meeting. Please turn in the persmission slip for this field trip if you have not already done so. Your Brownie will not be able to attend the field trip without the proper permission slip.

Coordination for this field trip will also be needed. Please let me know if you will be attending the field trip as well and if you will be willing to be a driver.

Self Defense Workshop
November 2
Cost: Covered by troop
RSVP Deadline October 19th
Don't forget field trip form needs to be turned in.

Investiture/Rededication Lunch
November 3
Cost: $16 Adults/$8 Children
RSVP and Payment Deadline October 19th

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

First Meeting Reminder

Friday, September 21, 2012
3:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Room: Will send out an email with room location/dismissal procedure
Just a friendly reminder that our first meeting will be this Friday, September 21st.
Katerina is scheduled to be our snack buddy!


Things for your Brownie to remember to bring to the meeting:

1. Homework Assignment ~ 3 things (more would be great) that they would like for the troop to do this year

2. Scrapbook

3. Any Terracycle donations you have collected over the summer

4. First Aid Kit donations

5. Field Trip Permission Forms

6. Registration Forms (if you have not submitted it already)

7. $20 yearly troop dues (if you have not paid it already)

8. $1 meeting dues (due at every meeting)

9. Signed Fall Sale Permission Form (if you have not submitted it already)

If you have any questions about this meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Monday, September 17, 2012

BVE Annual Scarecrow Contest

Bridge Valley Fall Fest is coming up Saturday, October 13th and they will be having a Scarecrow Contest.

Scarecrows come in all shapes and sizes so there, so we can keep it simple or go all out. The scarecrows will be the star decorations at this years event!

The scarecrows need to be stuffed with batting, straw or newspaper (no hay).

Scarecrows need to be dropped off on Friday, October 12th anytime between 8:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. and they will be set up in the hallway leading down to the cafeteria.
Prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place!

Katerina and I will be putting together a Brownie Girl Scout scarecrow. Please let me know if you would like to create one with your Brownie, so we can put together a troop of Brownies!

Please let me know if you have any questions about this project!


Juliette Low Birthday Celebration

We have been invited to celebrate Juliette Low's Birthday with Troop 21809.
Pajama Party
October 25, 2012
Location: 3073 Lower Mountain Road, Furlong
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Please let me know if your Brownie will be attending this event.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Self Defense Workshop

Self Defense Workshop
Action Karate Jamison
Friday, November 2, 2012
6:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.

Self Defense is more than just the act of defending oneself. It involves discipline, staying safe and self-confidence. The Self Defense Try-It is designed to give girls a sample of all the exciting elements involved with this art form. Enjoy and have fun learning a new skill.

You Brownie will need to dress in comfortable clothes suitable for stretching and movement during self-defense lesson.

Please let me know if you have any questions about this activity.

Please RSVP before Friday, October 19th.

Katerina (permission rec'd)
Cianna (permission rec'd)
Sophia (permission rec'd)
Ava (permission rec'd)
Claire (permission rec'd)
Paree (permission rec'd)
Jayden (permission rec'd)
Allison (permission rec'd)

Investiture/Rededication Ceremony

Date: Saturday, November 3, 2012
Time: 1:00 p.m.
Location: Giuseppe's Pizza and Family Restaurant
1380 W. Street Road, Warminster, PA 18974
Price: $16 for each adult
        $8 for each child
Lunch includes: appetizer, salad, pasta, pizza, and sodas.
Please confirm the number of people in attendance. Make checks payable to Troop 21870.
R.S.V.P. and Payment Deadline: October 19, 2012

Katerina (4 adults/2 children)
Ava/Claire (2 adults/2 children)
Paree (2 adults/1 child)
Cianna/Sophia (2 adults/2 children)
Allison (2 adults/1 child)
Maura (1 adult/1 child)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Cookie Sale Dates

Cookie Sale dates have been announced!
Our Cookie Sale will run from January 17, 2013 - March 3, 2013 

2012-2013 Cookie Program: What's New This Year?
  • Our cookies will now be $4.00 a package.
  • All of our cookies will have a new packaging!
  • Lemonades will now have new greener packaging! Lemonades will now be offered in the same packaging as the Thanks A Lot cookies with just the tray and film overwrap. They will no longer be offered in the carton packaging. 
  • We will be having a new cookie ~ Mango Creme!
If you have any questions about the cookie sale, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Parent Meeting

We will be having a Parent Meeting before the first Brownie Troop meeting of the year. At this meeting, we will review what's new for the troop this year, get all our initial paperwork done, as well as, give you an opportunity to ask any questions that you may have.

Friday, September 7th
6:45 p.m.
Outback Steakhouse (Jamison)

Please make sure to bring the following to the meeting:

Girl Registration Form (if you have not submitted this form already)
Adult Registration Form (if you will be assisting with the troop in any way)
Parent Consent and Health History Form
$20 Initial Troop Dues

If you have any questions about the parent meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please confirm whether you will be atteding this meeting.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Corn Maze and Pumpkin Picking

The Market at Delaware Valley College
Fall Tour
Friday, October 5, 2012
3:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
(after school)

Cost: $6.00 per girl (to be covered by troop)

We have scheduled a tour for our troop at The Market at Delaware Valley College. The tour will include:

  • Guided wagon ride through DelVal’s Animal Farm
  • Pick-your-own Baby Pam Pumpkin
  • Giant Corn Maze and hands-on Activity
  • Rope Maze
Please let me know if your Brownie will be attending this event. A permission form will be needed for the field trip. Brownies will need to wear their uniform.


Monday, August 20, 2012

Fall Nut Sale

2012 Nuts About Reading Program:

What Can a Girl Do?

This year we will be participating in The Nuts About Reading Program.

The Nuts About Reading Program runs from September 17, 2012 through October 22, 2012.
We will need your signed Parent/Guardian Consent Agreement form in order for your child to participate in product sales. Copies of this form will be available during the first meeting on September 21.

There are several components to the Nuts About Reading Program:

1. Visit the QSP Online/Nut Program and help her send emails to friends and families to purchase magazines online--plus, if she sends out 12 emails, she'll receive the "Online Marketing" Patch! ~ Please note that at the end of the program, she will need to print off the "Detailed Order Report" and turn this in to Ms. Aymee to get credit for the orders that she has received.

2. Also, if your Girl Scout completes and submits the address booklet included in the Girl Packet, she will earn the "Together to the Top" patch and earn $3.00 for the troop. This will also need to be turned in to Ms. Aymee at the end of the program.

3. Sell nuts and magazines to family and friends!

Program proceeds
The troop will receive the following:
$0.75 for each nut/candy items sold
10% of each magazine subscription order
$3.00 for each completed magazine address booklet

This program is for girls to sell to family and friends. So, I believe we set our goals to reflect that.

Our goal is for each girl to sell at a minimum the following:

3 magazine subscriptions
10 nut/candy items

I know this is our first time participating in this program, so I am sure there will be many questions. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Troops/groups are encouraged to participate in GSEP Product Programs. Please note that groups/troops wishing to secure outside fundraisers must participate in both the Cookie Program and the Nuts About Reading Program in order to qualify for approval of additional fundraising. During the course of GSEP Product Programs, no outside fundraisers are permitted; any group money-earning should not compete with Girl Scout Product Programs.

National Constitution Center

National Constitution Center ~

Enjoy a fun-filled day learning about our country while meeting requirements or working toward badges! Scout Days feature activity tables, workshops, and shows just for Girl Scout troops! Explore the entire museum to earn a commemorative National Constitution Center Fun Badge.

Girl Scouts run the museum in this activity-packed day athe National Constitution Center. Girls can participate in several activities to earn credits toward patches. A fun-filled day full of guided tours, special interactive themed shows, and outdoor flag ceremonies, and activity tables will help Scouts better understand what it means to be citizens of the United States.

November 10, 2012
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Scouts: $14
Adults: $12

Scout Day group rates include all programs, admission to the National Constitution Center, and a commemorative patch.

We would need to make reservations for this event as soon as possible. Please let me know if you would like to attend.

Welcome Back

Welcome back to a new year of scouting!  I am happy to begin our Brownie adventure and hope the girls are too. The Summer seems to have passed by so quickly but I am very excited about the upcoming year.

I am currently working on our schedule for the year, as well as, looking at possible activities for us to do.

The first event will be the Ice Cream Social scheduled for Saturday, August 18th at 1:00 p.m. (location has yet to be determined).

Our first meeting will be Friday, September 21 at 3:15 p.m. at Bridge Valley Elementary.

Can't wait to get back to the swing of things with the girls...Enjoy the rest of the Summer!


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sesame Place ~ Fall Scout Days!

Sesame Place ~ Fall Scout Days
All scouts and their families are invited to spend an action packed fun filled fall day at the park! Includes: discounted park admission $25.00 per person (tax inclusive), "Sesame Place CSI- Club of Science Investigators" activity sheets to guide scouts through badge requirements and a limited-edition scout participant patch.

To purchase discounted single day tickets, show a piece of your scout uniform at any ticket window. Scouts can pick up a Sesame Place CSI- Club of Science Investigators activity packet at the Welcome Center. Turn the completed packet in to receive our complimentary 2012 Scout Patch! 

 Promotion valid 9/8/12 - 10/28/12

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

First Terracycle Shipment

This Summer we submitted our first shipment to TerraCycle for the Cheese Packaging Brigade.

We collected 282 units
now have a credit of $5.64 with TerraCycle.

Thank you to everyone we donated. I can't wait to see how much we can submit next time. Hopefully, everyone has been collecting items over the Summer.

Remember, we are participating in the following Brigades:

Cheese Packaging Brigade
Juice Pouch Brigade
Personal Care and Beauty Brigade
Oral Care Brigade

If you have any questions about Terracycle or the Brigades we are participating in, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Frozen Yogurt Social

Frozen Yogurt Social

Saturday, August 18th

1:00 p.m.

Center Point Place
872 W. Street Road
Warminster, PA 18974

R.S.V.P. (attending as of 8/3/12)

If you have any questions about the location or the social in general, please do not hesitate to contact me.  See you then!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

First Aid Kit Wish List

We will be putting together a first aid kit as one of the steps in earning our Brownie First Aid Badge. We will need each Brownie to bring in at least one item from our First Aid Kit Wish List.

First Aid Kit Donations:
Anti-Bacterial Antiseptic

Rubber Gloves ~ Paree
Soap ~ Paree
Calamine Lotion ~ Cianna
Tweezers ~ Sophia
Scissors ~ Jayden
Adhesive Tape ~ Katerina
Gauze Pads ~ Ava
Gauze Roll ~ Claire
Bandaids ~ Katerina
Red Washcloth ~ Katerina
Case ~ Allison

Please let me know what you can donate. Items can be brought to the first meeting. Thank you!



We will be participating in four TerraCycle Brigades this year! It's a great way to raise a little money for the troop as well as teaches the girls the importance of recycling.

Information on the three Brigades are listed below. Please feel free to bring your donations to any meeting.

Personal Care and Beauty Brigade accepted waste: lipstick cases, mascara tubes, eye shadow cases, shampoo bottles, conditioner bottles, bronzer cases, foundation packaging, body wash containers, soap tubes, soap dispensers, lotion dispensers, shaving foam tubes (no cans), powder cases, lotion bottles, chap stick tubes, lotion tubes, face soap dispensers, face soap tubes, face lotion bottles, face lotion jars, eyeliner cases, eyeliner pencils, eyeshadow tubes, concealer tubes, concealer sticks, lip liner pencils, hand lotion tubes, hair gel tubes, hair paste jars.

Each package sent in will earn the troop 2 points or $0.02. Personal care product and beauty product packaging will be counted based on weight, using .05 lbs. as the average weight.

Oral Care Brigade accepted waste: any brand used toothpaste tubes, toothbrushes and plastic toothbrush packaging, excluding cardboard.

Each piece sent in will earn 2 points or $.02 to the troop. Oral care packaging will be counted based on weight, using .02 lbs. as the average weight.

Drink Pouch Brigade accepted waste: any brand of drink pouches. They do not accept juice boxes at this time.

Units per shipment are calculated based upon weight. Drink pouches will be counted based upon a an average weight of .009 lbs. per drink pouch.

0 to 1,000 pouches per shipment: 0 points per pouch
1,001 to 2,000 pouches per shipment: 1 point per pouch (or $0.01 per pouch)

Cheese Packaging Brigade accepted waste: string cheeses packages, individual singles wrappers, singles packages, shredded cheeses packages, grated cheese, all flexible cheese wrappers

If you have any questions about our collection, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Summer Homework Assignment

I would love for each Brownie to sit down and think about what they would like to do during their first year as Brownies. Please have them write down at least 3 things (more would be great) that they would like for the troop to do this year. Have them bring this list to the first meeting, so that we can discuss it.

I usually ask them this at the meetings, but I know it can be difficult to come up with some ideas on the spot. So, by having them think about this at home and write a list, I am hoping they will be able to come up with some wonderful ideas.

If you have any questions about the home assignment, please do not hesitate to contact me.